Contact Me

If you have any queries or you would like to purchase any of my work, feel free to contact me at 

You can also find me on:





14 thoughts on “Contact Me

  1. Got your lovely response to my site. Thank you. How did you find me? What were you looking for when you crossed my site path. If you’d like more fun you can go to my web site. I think your floral forms, drawing and painting are gorgeous. The zebra painting intrigues me as well. I’m putting together a show for July that is all balls, something in that form really blows the wind up my skirt. My mind-brain seems to find endless nourishment in the surface design of the sphere. Will continue to view your blog as new things post. JT

  2. Hey, thanks for taking a look at my blog. I’m glad you liked the poems. I’ve had a puruse around your blog and your work is amazing. Particularly like the picture you drew of the lotus flower, as I’m fond of them (have lotus flower tea lights) and love their symbolism. Also,love love love the pic of the dying leaf, I think it’s a really beautiful picture and love it when people capture beauty in the small things, which most others wouldn’t notice straight off or recognise as significant or beautiful. That’s actually what inspired the title for my own blog. okay, I’m rambling… In summary, awesum blog! :)

  3. Dear Alana
    You truely have an eye for the little (and not so small) beauties in this world. those little things that people miss in their everyday walk about in life. I am enthralled by your pictures and encourage you to not stop sharing them as they bring joy to the heart to see such moments captured.
    Thank you for commenting on my site. i am very glad to have been led to your work. I hope to use some of your pics as inspiration in my art room some day soon.

    Warm regards

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